To all the mammas

Whose newborns just won’t sleep through the night

You are tired beyond words and rest is not in sight

You’re fighting the blues and crying for no reason

You want to be more grateful for this season

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Whose tiny toddlers are testing every limit

You just want a break, even if for a minute

You don’t want to scream, you don’t want a scene

But things are crazier now than they’ve ever been

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Whose teens have rebelled as only teens would

You feel alone and so misunderstood

You are going against a smaller version of you

It feels like you’ll never win, there’s no getting through

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Whose children are adults that live far away

You wish they’d come home more often to stay

You hope they will remember all your advice

You hope they have turned out to be half-nice

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Who did the unimaginable and buried their young

Your heart feels broken, battered and wrung

You don’t think you’ll recover from this palpable pain

You feel like you may never ever smile again

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Who’ve longed for a child, to care for and hold

But month after month, the same story unfolds

You’re angry at God, it’s tiring and frustrating

Another Mother’s Day and you’re still in the waiting

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

To all the mammas

Who’ve lost themselves and become completely numb

You’ve forgotten who you were before you were a mum

You’ve poured out so much, you now feel empty

You’ve forgotten to dance, to sing and to be free

It’s okay, It’s alright

Breathe in slow and hold on tight

God’s got you, He has.

And this too shall pass.

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